Therapy for Caregivers & Helping Professionals

In Austin and online across TX & FL

Cherry blossom tree

Are you a therapist or other helping professional looking for the right fit?

Does this sound familiar?

“It’s one thing to suggest that my client/patient rest. But it’s another thing to imagine doing so myself.”

“It’s more difficult to apply what I know as a therapist/provider when it’s my own life.”

“I witness so much pain with my patients/clients every day and I don’t feel like most people can relate to what that’s like.”

“I’ve tried seeing other therapists and they seem uncomfortable with the fact that I’m a therapist too. I need someone that can handle that dynamic.”

Medical and Mental Health providers dish out a ton of knowledge to our patients. It doesn’t mean we always know how to apply it to our own lives. Being a helping professional doesn’t mean you should have it all figured out. It doesn’t mean your family or romantic relationships are stress free. In fact, it probably means that your daily work stressors are pretty heavy.

You likely already have an extensive emotional vocabulary or a full toolkit of coping skills available to you and want to know that your therapist can help you dive deeper. You could benefit from having someone attune to YOU after you’ve been present for your patients all day.

You may have found plenty of providers that offers the modality you’re familiar with. You could go a step further and see a therapist that is not just comfortable but confident and even passionate about working with other therapists/providers.

We are passionate about working with helping professionals.

Yellow flower among tall green grass

Relief from burnout is possible.

Imagine a life that feels more balanced and fulfilled.

"I have no energy left for my family or myself after taking care of other people’s needs all day."

“I used to love what I do, but now I just feel a constant sense of dread."

"I used to be so empathetic, but now I feel detached and numb to my client/patient’s suffering.”

“I need a break but don't know how to take one without letting people down.”

You might be feeling an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. It's hard to muster any enthusiasm for your work or activities that you once enjoyed, because you're just going through the motions. Simple tasks can feel daunting and your productivity has significantly dropped.

Some days you’re more irritable and quick to anger, and other days you feel detached and numb, struggling to connect. You might even notice physical symptoms like headaches or stomach problems from the chronic stress.

You can work with your therapist to learn effective strategies for managing stress and prioritizing true self-care, whatever that means for you. Your therapist can help you set boundaries with work or caretaking, ensuring you have enough time for rest, hobbies, and connecting with loved ones. You will also reflect on what gets in the way of setting boundaries, and work towards overcoming those barriers.

As you build resilience through therapy, you'll find it easier to navigate life's challenges without feeling overwhelmed. Ultimately, life can be more vibrant, with a clearer sense of purpose and a stronger foundation of emotional and physical health.

We’re here to help you find balance.

What we’ll work on

Imagine a life where you can…

  • Create a sustainable plan for maintaining well-being and preventing future burnout

  • Challenge unrealistic expectations for yourself

  • Learn when and how to ask for help

  • Establish clear boundaries between your work and personal life

Are you ready to break free from burnout?

EMDR-IFS can help you process beliefs that stem from trauma in your past that might be contributing to burnout. Learn more about EMDR here.

Find balance in your life again.