IFS Therapy

In Austin & Online Across TX & FL

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Are you ready to find peace within the many parts of yourself?

You might be struggling with…

Ongoing problems in your relationship that you can’t seem to break out of 

Constantly feeling like you have to rely on other people to validate you

Feel torn between different desires or parts of yourself

Difficulty managing your emotions or reactions

IFS can help you find peace within yourself and in your relationships.

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is an approach to therapy that views the mind as an internal family of parts, each with its own unique perspectives, feelings, and roles.

    IFS believes that we all have various parts within us, such as an inner critic, a nurturing parent, or a fearful child, which can sometimes conflict with one another. Central to IFS is the concept of the Self, a core state of compassion, curiosity, and calm that can lead and heal the internal system.

    In therapy, clients are guided to identify and understand their different parts, working to build a compassionate relationship with each. This process helps to uncover the root causes of what you are going through, helping you find long-lasting healing.

  • In Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, you can expect a compassionate and exploratory process where you'll identify various parts of yourself, such as an inner critic, a fearful child, or a protective guardian. Your therapist will guide you to connect with these parts, understanding their roles and the emotions they carry. The goal is to build a trusting relationship with each part and access your core Self, which is a state of calm, compassion, and curiosity.

    Through this process, you'll work to heal wounded parts, resolve internal conflicts, and create a harmonious internal system. This will help you develop self-awareness, emotional resilience, and overall well-being, helping you manage life's challenges more effectively.

  • At its core, IFS proposes that all parts of us have positive intention. At the same time, we can recognize that their impact can be harmful. For example, your inner critic may be aiming to keep you from being judged by your harsh parent. While well-intentioned, the resulting negative inner dialogue has been causing you pain. We can work to acknowledge how this part helps you identify potential threats and how to work with this part and not to fall into extreme territory that results in shame.

    IFS therapy can be helpful with a wide range of issues. By focusing on the internal dialogue and interactions between parts, you can resolve inner conflicts and reduce the influence of extreme or harmful parts.

    Through the compassionate guidance of the Self, IFS aims to help you achieve harmony within yourself.

What we’ll work on

With IFS, you can…

Heal parts contributing to burnout, promoting recovery and balance

Transform parts that self-sabotage or get in the way of your goals

Improve self-worth by healing parts that hold negative beliefs about yourself

Resolve internal conflicts between different parts of yourself

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Self-esteem

  • Relationship conflicts

  • Childhood trauma

  • Trauma

  • Burnout

IFS can help with:

Find healing for every part of you.


FAQs about IFS

  • To prepare for your first IFS therapy session, reflect on the issues you want to address and be open to exploring your internal world. It can also be helpful to read a bit about IFS therapy to familiarize yourself with its concepts, although your therapist will guide you through the process.

  • IFS therapy is unique in its belief that we all have inherent goodness and and, with self-compassion, we can see the positive intentions from ourselves and others, not only the outcome of our behaviors. IFS focuses on understanding and working with the internal parts of the self. Unlike some other therapies that may focus solely on behavior or thought patterns, IFS emphasizes the relationship between parts and the core Self, promoting healing from within.

  • In an IFS therapy session, you can expect to explore and interact with different parts of yourself with the guidance of your therapist. Sessions involve a mix of talking, visualization, and internal dialogue. Your therapist will help you connect with your core Self to lead the healing process, fostering understanding and compassion for each part.

  • IFS therapy can help with a wide range of issues including anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, eating disorders, addiction, self-esteem issues, relationship problems, and more. It is effective in addressing both specific mental health disorders and general emotional well-being. It is also helpful in couples therapy to understand different parts of your partner.

  • IFS therapy works by helping you identify and understand the various parts inside of you. Your therapist will guide you to access your core Self to lead the healing process, which involves listening to, understanding, and transforming the parts that are causing distress. This process helps resolve internal conflicts and promotes emotional balance.